Mentally Empowering Our Recipients

Our candidates are first required to read two books – the American classic Think and Grow Rich and Psycho CyberneticsThink and Grow Rich explains simply and clearly how to be successful in life. The essence of the book is “what you envision on a daily basis in detail is what shows up in your life.”

Psycho Cybernetics is a tremendous book about self-image and confidence. This book is probably the best book ever written in regards to helping a person develop a positive self-image. This is so important because one must have a positive self-image in order to gain and sustain self-confidence. Confidence is the ultimate key to being happy and successful in life.

Once candidates are accepted into our program they are sent to a four-day Tony Robbins event “Unleash the Power Within.” The Tony Robbins organization is the most successful personal empowerment program in the world. Over a four-day period that typically lasts 10-12 hours each day, attendees are taught how to think. They are taught how to eliminate limiting beliefs and become empowered. Additionally, one whole day is dedicated to health and fitness education. The end result of this intense seminar is transformational.

Emotional Support During The Program

Our recipients are put into five-member classes with other recipients so they can provide emotional support to each other. Additionally, the foundation provides ongoing emotional support to participants through our very own empowerment counselor who is always available and mentors our candidates with the mindset of empowerment, positive thinking, and the elimination of limiting beliefs.